News — Atelier de couture
sewing threads
Posted by Caroline Ouellet on

What wire do I need for my project?
Cotton, polyester, nylon or rayon thread? Thinner or bigger? What is TEX? Can I take the same thread from my overlocker and my sewing machine?
Is there one thread that does EVERYTHING?
How do you recognize a good thread from a low quality thread? And is it true that a thread that is too old should be thrown away?
Let's try to sort through the most popular threads!
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- Tags: Atelier de couture, fils
Zips, zippers, zippers and all the hullabaloo
Posted by Caroline Ouellet on

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- Tags: Atelier de couture, zip
Pin up ! (or choose your pins)
Posted by Caroline Ouellet on

Are all pins equal? Do we choose them simply based on their length and appearance?
Well no ! Why make it so simple? Let's try to demystify the characteristics of the pins available on the market.
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- Tags: Atelier de couture
To put or not to put a label on my confections?
Posted by Caroline Ouellet on

I want to remind everyone that while I enjoy sharing this information, I am not the label police! Several avenues are available to you and which one you take is your very personal choice!
On this note, good luck in all your sewing projects :)
- 1 comment
- Tags: Atelier de couture, étiquettes, légal
Oliso TG1600 SMART PRO irons
Posted by Caroline Ouellet on